206-792-5210 SeattleComputerRecycling@gmail.com

We Recycle Vintage Computers: At Seattle Computer Recycling we will recycle all brands and types of Vintage Computers. Tandy, MacIntosh, Radio Shack, Commodore, NEC, DEC, Compaq, Packard Bell, and many many others. Vintage computer recycling is one of our favorite activities. Lots of memories.

Compaq HP E-Machine Packard Bell Acer Computer Recycling: Yes there have been many computer manufacturers over the year. Our team has been recycling, repairing, and repurposing desktop and laptop computers for almost 30 years. If you have an old computer you don’t use in a closet, in your garage, or in the basement bring it in for recycling. We may find an enthusiast that wants it. People still use the MacIntosh SE and MacIntosh Plus.

Recycle Your Vintage Computers